TeamOutings has helped so many organisations achieve Success through our innovative and dynamic team programs. Programs that work towards improving communication, creating high performing teams, navigating change, or clarifying future direction and strategy, the TeamOutings experience enables teams to develop and act differently.
At TeamOutings we are also passionate about engaging our audiences, inspiring delegate achievement and helping to create change for your organisation. Similarly, we believe our corporate event and team programs should be fun to experience. Our case studies and testimonials offer feedback and proof of our professionalism and demonstrate the benefits that our team building programs can offer.
Our many clients have given us very exciting feedback. Their teams “have become more focused, with improved communication and increased levels of trust”. In a recent TeamOutings survey of over 300 of our clients, 96% of attendees felt that they had improved communications with colleagues, 72% experienced improved productivity, while nearly all staff felt that they could incorporate what they had learned with us into their normal working day.
Impressive results indeed but don’t take our word for it. We’d be delighted to pass you on a long list of very happy past clients from almost any industry that will give you first hand feedback of the results and benefits of taking part in a TeamOutings program.