Sharavathi Adventure Eco Stay is located in the heart of Sharavathi Valley. Eco-stay has an old malnad architecture house with 1 room with attached toilet and 2 wooden rooms with attached toilets. 12kms away from camp is the mighty backwaters of sharavathi & there are many Islands found there. Our Eco-stay being the last private land is surrounded by forest cover which gives opportunity for high rope activities. The Camp is designed for Tent Stay with 2 toilet complexes with 11 toilets and 10 bathroom facility.
Activities: High Rope activities: Rope Ladder, Zipline, Tight Rope Walk;
Water Activities: Coracle Boat Ride, Kayaking, Swimming;
Other Activities: Trekking with Map Reading and Navigation;
Island Camping (If needed),
Campfire & Barbeque etc.